Artist: Sean Norton
Title: "My Hero"
Medium: Graphite on Paper
Title: "Majestic Rays"
Artist: Curtis Gander
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Title: " The Honeybee"
Artist: Stephanie Anderson
Medium: Gouache on Paper
Title: "Driveway Artist"
Artist: Pat Pierce
Medium: Mixed Media
Artist: Bonnie Koenig
Title: "Greenway"
Medium: Acrylic, Grease Pencil
Artist: Stan Perkins
Title: "Expo"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Artist: Missy Kyle
Title: "Roman Legacy"
Medium: Mixed Media Collage
Artist: Gary Ferrier
Title: "Feeding Hummingbirds"
Medim: Copper and Wood
Artist: Jan Stewart
Title: "Lady of Perpetual Petals"
Medium: Mixed Media Collage
Artist: Alex Bernath
Title: "Disciple"
Medium: Wood & Chainsaw
Artist: Courtney Warren
Title: "On Thin Ice"
Medium: Photography Paper
Artist: Christian Schmidt
Title: "Seeds"
Medium: Photography Paper
Artist: Doug Romm
Title: "Colfax Country, New Mexico"
Medium: Photography Paper
Artist: Joe Connor
Title: "Escape #"
Medium: Mixed Media Collage
Artist: Miette Hils
Title: "Moon Elf"
Medium: Abstract/Mixed Media
Artist: Jennifer Tuggle
Title: "Trail to Treasure Lake"
Medium: Photography Paper
Artist: Cary Wacker
Title: "Mysterious Morning"
Medium: Photography Paper
Artist: Savannah Johnson
Title: "Cascade"
Medium: Mixed Media
Artist: Doug Simpson
Title: "Triginta 23"
Medium: Mixed Media
The Sherman Arts Festival top award winners, including best of show and honorable mentions will be on display October 13 – 15. The annual festival juried open themed art show was held September 14th in the Sherman Municipal ballroom. Over 100 entries were displayed in 4 categories: realism, contemporary, 3D, and photography. The show was juried by Anne Royer, director of the Arts and Music Guild, McKinney, TX.